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The Chase Quarry Series 

Life in our galaxy is not what you think, especially after...
"A.I. Attacks"!​ 
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The tell-all novel of planet Earth's extra-terrestrial presence is...
"The Message".
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CHASE QUARRY is a series based upon the journals of a secret agent working for the non-terrestrial defense agency (NTDA). Chase has been defending Earth from malicious extra-terrestrials for many years, and through his writings, we can discover the risks that lurk within our universe. These stories will disclose information not readily available to the public and bring you closer to understanding that we're not alone in this vibrant and vast universe!

Life on planet Earth has a much more complex history than what has historically been taught. In "A.I. Attacks", Chase discovers how an ancient culture, demented by power, tried to influence life throughout the galaxy using an artificial intelligent weapon known as the ERSATZ. Growing and evolving it has now learned to take over civilizations on its own throughout the galaxy. To survive, it must be stopped before Earth to becomes a casualty of this more dire weapon. Chase has teamed up with the best of the best to fight this horrific energy that has somehow survived for thousands of years. There was no turning back, it must be defeated or all of humanity become its prey. 

Join Chase and the NTDA as they explore Antarctica, the moon, Mars, Europa, and many faraway planets to protect humanity from the artificial intelligence known as the ERSATZ...forevermore.


My Story

Inspired to spark creative thought for my children I wrote a series of stories for them to enjoy. Overtime these developed into a series that follows the life of the lead protagonist named Chase Quarry. This project started with a simple focus and has turned into an enjoyable way to explore the unimaginable. With the encouragement of my wife and family these stories are now available for all to read in a series of novels depicting life of a young agent who protects our planet from unearthly enemies.

Overall, my objective as a writer is to tap into the imagination of the reader. By using selective symbolism it should leave even the most ardent science fiction enthusiast searching for more. 

I hope it will be an entertaining read for all ages and stretch the paradigm of thought in each of us.

Favorite quote:

“The first step is most elusive but once taken your path will be forever worn.”


 - Unknown

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